Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms. He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.
I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches. When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.
I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos. Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos. (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)
I love the manner and mindset behind this video. The way Clint Smith teaches the Three Places for a Handgun is a great resources as well as highly entertaining. This is a mindset video, but it is also very tactical. Where should I put my handgun when I am…. Three places for a Handgun is one of the better Thunder Ranch clips on YouTube – at least in my opinion.
I cannot stress how much I value Mr. Smith’s contributions to the world of defensive weapon usage. It is impossible to calculate how many lives have been protected by his knowledge and the valuable work of Thunder Ranch.
I took off of work to bond with my son – I guess men generally don’t take off of work as long as I did, but I had the time and really want to bond with my boy – I know he won’t remember any of this, but I will. Now, since I am off, I am doing a few things here and there that later, when Tell is older, I can show him that I was thinking about him.
This may seem a little strange, but one of my “projects” was to start on a war club for him. As a child I was very interested in Native American culture and handicraft. I remember reading about a custom of some tribes to tie an overhand know in a young tree, so that as the tree grows it turns into a knot perfect for the end of a war club. The idea was that is a father did this when his son was born, by the time his boy was ready to become a warrior, the tree was ready to be fashioned into his weapon. I clearly remember thinking, I wish my dad had the foresight to make me a war club, so…..
The video above shows the process of making William’s War Club, I doubt he will ever use it, heck – I pray he will never use it, but I bet we will think fondly of me as he looks at what I made for him when he was so young.
I spend a lot of time getting him things that he can use when he is older – I don’t think he will remember toys, but things like this and the lifetime hunting license I bought him at he second birthday will stay with him for life.
Clint Smith is an expert on the use of Defensive Firearms. He is a Marine Corps Infantry vet, SWAT officer, and has been running Thunder Ranch since 1993.
I like his style, this thought process, and how he teaches. When I teach firearms classes, there are several techniques and lessons that I share that I gleaned from Mr. Smith.
I have searched YouTube for good training videos to share, and I have found several clips of Thunder Ranch training videos. Think of them as advertisements for their full length training videos. (I don’t gain anything from this, but I do think there videos are a valuable and worthwhile purchase.)
This particular video discusses the often misunderstood Defensive Shotgun. I enjoyed watching it, and I learned some new ways to share information with others. It is worth the time to watch.